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Need a small office in Harrogate?
Oakwood Park • September 17, 2021

Are you in need of a small office near Harrogate? If so how does easy parking and a beautiful location sound to you?

When thinking of a small office in Harrogate you may be thinking of cafes in the town centre and jumping on the train to commute through to Leeds...
However there's a side to having a small office in Harrogate Town centre that you may not have thought about.


Oh yes. Town centre locations for a small office in Harrogate rarely, if ever, have parking.

No problem, you may think- I'll just hop on the train or bus. Which is great. A small office in Harrogate has that advantage, I'll grant you. Nothing like arriving ten or fifteen minutes after your scheduled appointment time with a client (sorry there were works on the line today) only to find you've a ten minute walk before you're even close to their office.
While we all know public transport is what we should be doing, we also know  the advantages to jumping in the car when we need to be somewhere quickly, especially if it isn't on a designated public transport route (how many of your clients are?)
Having a small office in Harrogate can mean a long walk to your car or expensive car parking fees each day. What if I told you there was a better way? Would you believe me?

Instead of a small office in Harrogate  consider one nearby instead.

You still get the prestigious postcode and brilliant location, but you also get to commute out of town instead of into it.
Wait how does that work?
Well, when everyone else is driving into their small office in Harrogate, you are driving out. To your small office at Oakwood Park.

Work peacefully in a private office

When everyone else is queued nose to tail in traffic, you're cruising down the road in the opposite direction with a smile on your face.
While everyone else is cursing the buses for stopping and starting next to those traffic calming islands, you are already pulling up by your office door to park. For free. All day.

So those cafes. You still want those. Consider instead outdoor seating in landscaped grounds and some beautiful local shops like Birstwith shop, Markington shop and Ripley shop.
On a hot summers day nip out for an ice cream and invite as many clients to visit as you can fit in your office - without worrying about where they'll park.

I'm biased because I work in this stunning location - but hands down an out of town office beats a small office in Harrogate any day in my book.

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